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Start your hassle free construction tax claim today!

  • PAYE and CIS Construction Workers’ Tax Refunds
  • Average claim £1,500 per person, per tax year
  • Backdate your claim 4 years for an average £6,000
Construction Tax Claim

Tax Refunds

  • Help with getting tax rebates you are due
  • Tax refunds under different government schemes
  • PAYE construction worker claims
  • Builder tax refund claims
  • Near 100% success rate

PAYE workers

Pay As You Earn is the government’s system that automatically deducts tax, national insurance and pension contributions from your page before you receive it.  It means you don’t have to pay for these things yourself and your employer handles it for you.  It works by a tax code which tells the system how much to take.  But there are legitimate ways to change this tax code and get a refund for various things to save money on what you pay HMRC.

One example is construction tax claims – when you are a PAYE construction worker, you can be eligible to claim for travelling expenses to and from a site even if you use public transport.  And you can even claim this if your employer pays your travelling expenses.

Builders tax refund

The builder’s tax refund comes under something called the Construction Industry Scheme or CIS which has changed how contractors and sub-contractors pay tax.  If you are self-employed and use CIS, you can claim for a number of expenses.  And you may be entitled to claim if you are a paid employee under PAYE as well.

Our aim is to help you get as much of a tax rebate as you are entitled to.  We have a near 100% success rate and expertly and professionally handle your claim.  Our quick and streamlined processed can help save you money or get a tax rebate in the shortest possible time.

"Highly recommend express tax claims, quick and easy steps to claim your money.Fast and friendly service. Call Mandy, get it done!"

Jason I.


Do you think you have paid too much tax? Get in touch with Express Tax Claims to find out if you could be due a refund.